Experimental College (EXCO)

EXCO 301 Topics in the Experimental College (Unit: 1)

Prerequisite: Upper-division standing.

Collaborative learning experiences in which students cooperatively explore a given subject based on their expertise and experience, shared engagement with materials, and a sense of joint ownership of the curriculum under the guidance of a trained student leader. Topics to be specified in the Class Schedule. Activity. May be repeated for a total of 5 units when topics vary.


  1. The Unseen Cinema of the 1980's
  2. Let's Go! The Worlds of Superhero Tokusatsu
  3. The Power of Narrative
  4. Queer Undertones in Traditional Literature
  5. Urbanist Feminism
  6. Asian Student Union Internship
  7. Terrors Unleashed: Serial Killer Horror Icons
  8. Fashion and Feminism
  9. Taylor Swift & the Art of Songwriting
  10. Genealogy: Family Exploration & Self-Discovery
  11. Drones in Action:How to Pilot Drones & Get License
  12. Intro to Veterinary Medicine/Medicina Veterinaria
  13. Gnder,Plitics&Gnt Robts:Anlyzng Mbile Suit Gundam
  14. Restorative Practice/Restorative Justice
  15. First-Generation College Integration
  16. West African Dance
  17. Code, Control, Conquer: Mini Mayhem & Mitigation
  18. History of Native Americans in Rural Georgia
  19. The Life of Marx
  20. Entrepreneurial Ventures: From Concept to Market
  21. Intro to Black Love
  22. Building Bridges:Leadership,Achvmnt,&Comm. Engmnt
  23. Undergrad to PhD: Research, Publictn,& Grad Prep
  24. Intro to Cannabis, Cybersecurity, & Culinary Arts
  25. Black Science Fiction and Fantasy

EXCO 401 Organizing Experimental College Courses (Units: 1-3)

Prerequisite: Upper-division standing and completion of an approved Experimental College preparation course.

A teaching practicum course for student instructors trained and prepared to lead EXCO 301 courses. Students participating in EXCO 401 will prepare materials and activities for their 301 course, discuss practices to facilitate learning and discussion, and participate in other teaching activities. May be repeated for a total of 6 units.

EXCO 402 Experimental College Service and Outreach Commitment (Unit: 1)

Prerequisites: Upper-division standing and completion of an approved Experimental College preparation course.

Gain experience organizing for the Experimental College by participating in outreach and governance through committees, planning events, tabling, etc. Supplements and extends the teaching practicum course for EXCO 301 student instructors. May be repeated for a total of 4 units.